Facing it, always facing it,
that's the way to get through.
Face it.
(Joseph Conrad)
Never be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no one's definition of your life,
but define yourself.
(Harvey Fierstein)
So much to say, but there is
a lack of words to say it.
I guess the quotes say it all.
The road to peace, love
and happiness can be
confusing and frustrating,
yet happy and joyous . . .
all at the same time.
Is it all a huge waste of time?
Or is this what I've been dreaming of?
Not exactly how I planned it all.
It is such a confusing time in my life!
Prince Charming is a bit froggy!
And yes . . . I am both hurt and happy
for so many reasons that I can't express.