"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
Carl Gustav Jong
In our everyday life we are surrounded by a variety of people. Some of the people we deal with on a daily basis are a joy to be with, and their loving presence nurtures and encourages us. Others may have the opposite effect, draining us of our energy, making us feel tired and exhausted. Our well-being can be easily influenced by those around us, and if we can keep this in mind, we will have greater insights into the quality of our social interactions and their energetic effect on us.
Once we think more deeply about the people we interact with, it becomes easier for us to work toward filling our lives with people who help us cultivate healthy and positive relationships. Even though it might not always seem like we have much control over who we are with, we do. The power to step back from toxicity lies within us. All we have to do is take a few moments to reflect on how another person makes you feel. Assessing the people we spend the most time with allows us to see if they add something constructive to, or subtract from, our lives. Should a friend sap our strength, for example, we can simply set the intention to tell them how we feel or simply spend less time with them.
We will find that the moment we are honest with ourselves about our own feelings, the more candid we can be with others about how they make us feel. While this may involve some drastic changes to our social life it can bring about a personal transformation that will truly empower us, since ! the decision to live our truth will infuse our lives with greater happiness.
When we surround ourselves with positive people, we clear away the negativity that exists around us and create more room to welcome nurturing energy. Doing this not only enriches our lives but also envelopes us in a supportive and healing space that fosters greater growth, understanding, and love of ourselves as well as those we care about.
Tommy Rosen's philosophy . . . "If you want to develop as a person, it is helpful to be around other people who carry the consciousness you want to move toward. When you identify these people, hang around them and catch the goodness they are putting out so that you can be uplifted and in turn pass it on."
Our surroundings can influence us either positively or negatively. I know that when I watch too much of my favorite cable television news channel, it can bring on a terrible feeling of hopelessness, resulting in uncontrollable restlessness that brings me down further as time goes on. Changing the channel or turning off the television completely and enjoying the outdoors can immediately change the feeling. It is knowing when to turn it off that works for me and prevents that sinking feeling from further intensifying.
Waking up to a messy kitchen in the morning immediately brings me down . . . the solution is making sure the kitchen is picked up before going to bed. Sometimes it can be the smallest of things that can influence us positively or negatively.
The good news is that we can
choose our surroundings ~
choose our surroundings ~
choose those with positive influences!