Every act of love is a work of peace
no matter how small.
no matter how small.
Blessed Mother Teresa
In a recent blog post, I wrote about little things that are so important. Since writing that post I have thought a lot about those little things.
The feeling of peace and contentment can be an act of love that is as simple as making your sweetie something to drink or surprise them with a snack when they least expect it. For me, that awesome feeling of peace comes with the resulting smile and sparkly eyes that don't even need words.
Understanding is a necessary act of love which leads to a peaceful and happy relationship. It takes time to break old habits that can be very irritating to another in a new relationship, but once conquered, the resulting peace is worth it. I'm still learning!
Mutual respect should be on the list of high priorities . . . it works hand in hand with understanding. Broken respect can turn an otherwise peaceful and loving relationship into a battleground. Dagger beams replace acts of love . . . not a good thing!
As normal human beings, we learn how to push the buttons of another person. Why not push the buttons that result in peace and love?