When all the pieces of our life don’t quite make sense, we can remember that there may be some hidden gem of a reason that we are where we are having the experiences we are having.
Source: Daily Om
There have been awful times in my life that I can look back and see some of the hidden treasures that were buried in the pain.
Just as some people see a half empty glass while another sees a half full glass, some people can always find the good in a bad situation, while some can't.
The perspective that everything happens for a reason can make bad times a bit better as one occupies the mind trying to find that hidden gem which may or may not reveal itself.
While some will seek the hidden gem, others will take that same perspective and ask why . . . just wanting a reason without expecting a hidden gem and holding on to anger with the circumstances they find themselves in.
No matter how we perceive a life challenge, it will continue along the way to it's destiny for whatever reason. Maybe it is not meant for us to know. A lesson is not a lesson without a test. There are no absolutes in life.
Life itself is a series of circumstances, situations and events that continue over and over again without ceasing. Some are good, some are bad for whatever reason.
Life perspectives is what divides the happy people from the sad even if both realize that everything happens for a reason. Human nature I guess . . .
The whole concept takes me back to some lyrics from an old song that always comes to mind when "everything happens for a reason" is thought of . . . "que sera sera, whatever will be will be, the future's not ours to see, que sera sera."
How do you see this concept?