Get serious with your life? Really?
Seriously, I still don't have a complete grasp of what I want to do when I grow up. The big picture is a lot more focused, however, there is so much in between getting there and here in the today.
Although I had joined the world of employment when The Captain moved in with me, then he joined that world and we eventually settled on retirement until we could figure out the rest.
A new relationship needs time to develop into a life of its own. The two people need to define, experience and constantly tweak as individuals need to change and grow. We have been so fortunate and I am so grateful we have had this time to find ourselves individually and each other as a couple in our new reality after living and sharing another lifetime with other people.
Second chances in life are awesome!
Getting the groove back into a normal life and tweaking and perfecting the groove is a lifelong learning experience! Don't you think? Tweaking our lives keeps from having a boring life, which is a good thing!
One thing The Captain has taught me is serious positivity with no room for negativity.
Although I realized this many years ago, it has not been easy since I grew up in a fairly negative environment that was my normal. It still is to a certain extent, but I am able to switch gears rather quickly to get back into that positive groove. When I do, the whole world looks different in a good way thanks to my sweetie.
It has been a long journey, but I really think the time around the following post was my turning point. The Captain was already in my life and I had to get serious about getting my groove back!
This following post was originally posted
on November 14, 2010:
After escaping to the outdoors and away from this computer, the blahs I was experiencing yesterday magically disappeared. It is easy to forget to keep a positive balance in our lives when we are in the midst of things we get bogged down with.
Life is somewhat of a never-ending "to do list" . . . you gotta walk away from it at times . . . escape in whatever way that works for you in order to keep the balance necessary for an awesome quality of life.
Reactions and responses need to be in the present rather than the past in order to positively respond to life circumstances . . . easier said than done . . . it is sometimes a difficult balance.
The key is understanding the reason behind the reactions, especially the negative ones. The thoughts that immediately inspire the reaction need to be positive in order to turn the tides and make unpleasant experiences tolerable and easier to cope with.
As long as I can remember, I have journaled daily about my emotions, happenings, reactions and outcomes . . . it was easy for me to go back and identify my natural impulses and reactions to problems. At times, the analysis of my emotions is a ponderous process, however necessary to leading a normal life after a life trauma.
The difficult part is changing those reactions by not identifying them with anything from a unique past experience . . . it is gone and must be released. Replace negative with positive thoughts . . . attitude adjustment.
A life of peace, love and happiness is all about maintaining a positive attitude through good times and bad experiences . . . they all eventually pass . . . better to experience the situation with a healthy state of mind. A healthy state of mind knows when to escape and chill out a bit . . . what I call "getting your groove back".
I'm working on it . . .