One of my favorite bloggers, Marelisa, calls the following list "58 Habits That Will Help You Succeed." In my opinion, the outcome of putting these new habits into action is peace, love and happiness, along with the success.
In the years since suddenly becoming a widow, I have pondered quality of life in the short time we have on earth, what it means to me and what it takes to get there. I've adopted many of the "habits" that Marelisa suggests, along with being grateful for all the little things that bring me simple pleasures.
The theme of my blog is peace, love and happiness, which means so much to me. This weekend, death has crept into my life again . . . another beloved and cherished family member is gone. As my partner and I gathered with other family members this weekend, I was once again reminded of those things truly important in life. It had been years since seeing some of those family members that I love so much, but too busy with living life to take time out to spend time with them.
Quality of life is balancing all those things that mean the most to you . . . above all is loving and respecting those significant people in your life.
Thank you Marelisa for the awesome list and for the continued inspiration (the link to her fabulous blog is at the end of this post ) . . . I will be making the attempt to add some of these new habits to my life.
Hopefully there is something in the following list that will motivate you to make some changes in your life and make your quality of life the best that it can be.
1. Constantly ask yourself: “What do I want?”
2. Set goals.
3. Plan how you’re going to accomplish your goals.
4. Set clear deadlines for your goals.
5. Establish how you’re going to measure the progress you’re making toward achieving your goals.
6. Track the progress you’re making toward hitting your objectives.
7. Feed your mind with the thoughts, words, and images that are most consistent with who you want to be, what you want to have, and what you want to achieve.
8. Constantly ask yourself “how” you can achieve your goals.
9. Plan your day the night before.
10. Every morning as soon as you wake up, and every night before you go to sleep, look at your goals and visualize yourself achieving them.
11. Invest the first hour of every day on yourself.
12. Each day do the most important thing on your To-Do List first.
13. Do one thing at a time without distractions.
14. Each week review how the week went and what you accomplished.
15. Take the time to replenish your energy: get enough sleep; take frequent, short breaks while you work; and keep a Secular Sabbath each week.
16. Take regular vacations.
17. Drink lots of water.
18. Eat three meals a day and have two healthy snacks each day.
19. Get at least twenty minutes of daily exercise.
20. Be a lifelong learner.
21. Seek to continually perfect your craft.
22. Constantly ask yourself: “How can this be improved?” and “Is there a better way to do this?”
23. Organize your space in a way that makes sense to you; everything should have its place.
24. When you’re done using something, put it back where it belongs.
25. Schedule regular decluttering sessions.
26. Associate with people you admire, respect and want to be like.
27. Move quickly when you have an idea or notice an opportunity.
28. Think before you act; consider the consequences of several different courses of action prior to making a decision on what steps to take.
29. Be frugal.
30. Save at least 10% of your income, off the top, before any other expenditure.
31. Tithe 10% of your income.
32. Do your homework and think hard before making any decision on where to invest your money.
33. Don’t invest in anything that you don’t understand.
34. Think in terms of the satisfaction that you feel from saving, investing, and growing your money.
35. Insure properly against any risk that you can’t write a check to cover.
36. Protect your estate from unnecessary taxes and frivolous lawsuits.
37. Consider carefully before making any expenditure.
38. Focus on those activities which you most enjoy, are good at, and make a valuable contribution to others.
39. Always be on the look-out for new opportunities.
40. Dress like a person who’s going somewhere in life.
41. Look for ways to make others be more successful in fulfilling their responsibilities.
42. Be persistent; stick to a task until it’s completed.
43. Think flexibly: consider alternative points of view, use lateral thinking, and be willing to change your mind based on additional information or reasoning.
44. Look for ways to put in more than you get out; sow more than you reap.
45. Maintain a positive attitude.
46. Delegate tasks that you don’t enjoy and which are not core activities.
47. Practice prevention: take the car in for regular tune-ups; get regular physical and dental checkups; and so on.
48. Be punctual.
49. Question your assumptions on a regular basis.
50. Make others feel important.
51. Spend time with the most important people in your life every day.
52. Give praise and approval to those who deserve it.
53. Pay attention to people when they talk and be a good listener.
54. When it comes to your significant other, make trust and forgiveness your default mode.
55. Focus more on what your partner does right than on what he or she does wrong.
56. Hug your significant other as soon as you see each other after work.
57. Say “I love you” and “Have a good day” to your significant other every morning.
58. Give thanks each day for everything you received.