You know the feeling. It's that rage you get when someone cuts you off on the highway; the one where you just want to floor it and flip the bird. Anger is a corrosive emotion that can run off with your mental and physical health. So do you hold it in? Or do you let it all hang out? Yet, anger doesn't dissipate just because you unleash it.
Here are a few articles and blog posts that can help you manage this raw emotion.
I Am Angry
A curious solution to pandemic anger: Justin Bieber and beginner’s mind
What Kind of Partner Do You Want to Be?
Did you promise your partner to love, honor, and resent?
Anger Is the Key
Anger, not love, makes the world go 'round.
The Primacy of Anger Problems
Anger is a primary emotion.
Aggressive Athletes: Out of Control and Unapologetic
Why do athletes lash out? And are they really sorry?
Anger Problems: What They Say about You
Do you see anger or resentment in the mirror?
What Your Anger May Be Hiding
Reflections on the most seductive—and addictive—of human emotions.
Managing Anger
When Negative Thoughts Invade
Repeat the mantra: Not helpful.
Why Getting Revenge Isn't Worth It
The best revenge is none at all.
Controlling Anger
How to keep anger from eroding your life.
Compassion--Can It Transcend Forgiveness?
Is compassion, finally, more crucial than forgiveness?
Anger Management Failures
Don't date someone you meet in anger management class.
The Lion Tamer
Steven Stosny defuses rage by teaching people how to connect.
Top 10 Tools to Avoid Ugly Arguments
Constructive arguments can be a pathway to growth.
Disarming Your Buttons: How Not to Get Provoked (Part 1 of 4)
Why your hot buttons essentially belong to your child self.
Are You Angry?
Anger and Catharsis: Myth, Metaphor or Reality?
Concluding that catharsis of anger can't be therapeutic is incorrect.
Attributional Biases and Violent Soccer Play
In defense of Lambert’s character.
Living with an Angry Partner
Don't become resentful or angry yourself.
You Can't Punch Your Way Out of Anger
You can’t let off steam with violence.
McEnroe: Serena's Outburst Was Fine
McEnroe approves of Serena Williams abusing official.
Friends Don't Pick Up On Anger
We often fail to detect concealed anger in close pals.
The Origin of Fighting
The adaptive use of aggression