As I browsed through my email today, I ran across a newsletter containing the following statement that stopped me in my tracks.
"Make a sincere commitment to heal and grow and be who you were meant to be."
It really is that simple, not that it is a simple thing to achieve, just simple in theory.
There have been times in my life, whether it is sticking to a diet, trying to quit smoking, etc., it all works with committed discipline. It makes all the difference in the world.
Attitude and Determination
There have been times in my life, whether it is sticking to a diet, trying to quit smoking, etc., it all works with committed discipline. It makes all the difference in the world.
Attitude and Determination
The statement took my thoughts to "be who you were meant to be."
Attitude itself isn't enough without a defined path to move towards. Knowing what you really want is what would make it a simpler goal to achieve.
Resolve To Evolve
The evolution of changing the thought process that exists when everything seems to be out of touch. It is time to adjust your thought process.
You know that you know you are there when you are there . . . up Shit Creek without a paddle . . . or so it seems.
Make the commitment . . . .
This too shall pass.