We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed, we are
perplexed, but not in despair, Persecuted, but not
forsaken, cast down but not destroyed.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
perplexed, but not in despair, Persecuted, but not
forsaken, cast down but not destroyed.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
Sorrows and troubles are part of this life, sometimes coming in waves that threaten to overwhelm us.
They alter our life and our thinking, and we find them flowing in the quietness of tears. Alone with our grief, and pain, we find it darkening our days and hearts.
Grief and pain can come from many areas other than death. The losses, the grief, the sorrow mount up and become heavy upon our spirit. Friends come and go, and it changes our feeling of security in this world.
Our heart cries out within us: Oh God, Help Me quickly. I am at the end of my rope. And He says, my child . . . at the end of your rope is where I want you. For in those days, you turn to me, and you find that I am your strength, and your hope.
You find that I bring you joy, and that I have answers to all your needs. For it is when you are weak my Child, that I can be strong within you.
As we gaze out the window . . . we suddenly see the flowers blooming in the neighbors garden. Their faces are lifted to the sun. Soaking up the sunlight, and the nourishment it brings to their leaves. Our perspective is broadened beyond our internal pain.
It reminds me I am not to turn my eyes to the things of earth. Not to let my spirit get entangled with the cares of this life, but entangled with the word of God, till it seeps in my spirit and casts away all shadows, all tears, and restores my strength.
copyright Millie Plastaras 5/10/2003
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,
from whence comes my help;
My help comes from the Lord
which made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2
from whence comes my help;
My help comes from the Lord
which made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2